02. 06. 16 15:23 filed in:
OrchidaceaeLast weekend I had a chance to capture different orchids inside the nature reserve „Wolferskopf“.
Uta, a friend and homeopathic colleague, grew up in the area. She was guiding me through the meadows which were full of orchids at this time of the year.
Almost half of all types of orchids that occur in Germany can be found on the vast limestone semi-dry grasslands.
We were even lucky with the weather, as there was a lot of thunder and rain in the air.

Image above: Anacamptis pyramidalis - Pyramidal Orchid - Pyramiden Hundswurz

Images above: Orchis purpurea - Lady orchid - Purpur-Knabenkraut

Image above: Cephalanthera damasonium - White Helleborine - Weißes Waldvöglein
More orchids from different areas you can find in my orchid collection: