Wir unterstützen / We support
Aidswaisen in Südafrika / Aids orphans in South Africa
www.lidgetton-orphans.com Homeopathy Action Trust
www.homeopathyactiontrust.org Homöopathie ohne Grenzen
Pflanzen / Plants
Ein inspirierender botanischer Garten/An inspring botanical garden.........
Systematik / Classification
Eine Online-Datenbank aller Pflanzen und Pilze die in der Homöopathie verwendet werden
Zusammengestellt von Dr. Vilma Bharatan, Museum für Naturgeschichte in London
The Natural History Museum of London - plants and fungi used in homeopathy:
www.nhm.ac.uk/research-curation/projects/homeopathy/index.htmlby Dr. Vilma Bharatan, Research Associate, Medicinal Plants.
She works at the Natural History Museum in the Department of Botany and has co-authored a book called "Plant Names in Homeopathy".
The homeopathy database is a standard reference system for homeopathic practitioners, and other users of plant remedies.
It reconciles the old homeopathic codes with the current botanical code. The information is based on long established remedies in the Homeopathic Materiae Medicae that are now revised and updated and the online access means it can be maintained and updated easily in line with current concepts of botanical nomenclature.
It includes a searchable data-base.

Das natürliche System der Heilmittel / Systematics and Homeopathy
Homöopathie Schulen / Homeopathic education
Akademie für Homoöpathie - Gauting
www.homoeopathie-akademie.de/Homeopathy School International
Homöopathie Software / homeopathic Software

Mac Repertory & Reference works
Homöopathie Journale / Homeopathic Journals

Spektrum der Homöopathie / Spectrum of Homeopathy
Falldarstellungen - Arzneimittelbilder - Materia medica
Cases - Remedy pictures - Materia medica
www.narayana-publishers.comHomöopathia viva
Falldarstellungen - Arzneimittelbilder - Materia medica
Cases - Remedy pictures - Materia medica